: "I'm great at dinner parties, too." : [He cocks his head to one side.] "Be straight with me. You really gonna work for the dead man?" : "Sam was there when I needed him. I'm going to return the favour." : "Well that's certainly noble of you. Must've been a good man." : "He was a real sunovabitch. The best kind."
: "I just need to know one more thing. Where was Sam killed?" : [Dresden looks up at you intently for a moment before speaking.] "You know, I could do you one better. Why don't you poke around those body lockers in the back and see if you find anything... useful." : "Umm... okay then. I'll go... do that."
: "If this is just some ploy to make me look at a corpse, I'm going to stuff him into one of these."
: "If this is just some ploy to make me look at a ROTTEN corpse..."